The consequences of the infamous Great Reset are almost here: medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything that World Economic Forum planned for us, is being rolled out at warp-speed.
Repubblica Massone
L’Italia è una Repubblica Massone fondata sulla schiavitù, sul tradimento, sull’inganno, e su un corposo numero di pupazzi assassini che come la merda riescono sempre a stare a galla, per eseguire gli ordini dei loro padroni nell’ombra.
I Vaccini COVID per Servono a…
Ecco una storia, che purtroppo è reale, che non proviene dai Confini della Realtà. Le multinazionali del farmaco, gli scienziati, i governi, tutti all’unisono ci hanno chiesto solo di fidarci di loro. Semplicemente, di fidarci di loro. Cosa si nasconde dietro ai vaccini COVID per Servire l’Uomo?
Il NWO, Essi Vivono, Noi Muoriamo
Ecco cosa si vede, se prendete il coraggio a due mani e guardate la città davanti a voi con gli occhi della verità. La Piovra transumana sta ingoiando la nostra civiltà. Lampeggiano da ogni parte le esplosioni delle bombe di terrore che i media sganciano su di noi. La Terza
COVID Pandemia 5.0
Condividiamo questo interessante documentario della RSI sulle controversie legate all’Influenza Aviaria e Suina, al comportamento più che discutibile dell’OMS, e al business dei vaccini. Nulla di nuovo sotto il sole. Il COVID19 è lo stesso copione di menzogne, questa volta recitato molto meglio.
Planet Lockdown
How can you herd all the sheep into the slaughterhouse without them realizing and resisting? The perfect thing is invisible enemies. We had the war on terrorism, with invisible terrorists, and now a virus. It’s perfect because you can’t prove that it doesn’t exist.
Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) and the military psychological warfare weapon, Shadownet, which is used to control the public narrative through the Fake News, to fix elections, to organize the BLM riots.
Fall of the Cabal
Return of the King
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Dawn of a New World
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Beyond Kings and Queens
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Witches and Warlocks
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Major Media Manipulation
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Children Art and Pizza
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Childlovers Everywhere
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Alien Invasion
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Down the Rabbit Hole
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Things that Make You Go Hmmm
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Nazismo Esoterico
Il Buco Nero
Viviamo in una strana epoca, piena di continui rimandi all’ideologia Nazista, che molti pensavano fosse ormai estinta da tempo. Cogliamo quindi l’occasione di ripubblicare l’intero ciclo di indagine sui vari aspetti esoterici del Nazismo, a cura del ricercatore storico Marco Dolcetta.
Nazismo Esoterico
La Massoneria
Viviamo in una strana epoca, piena di continui rimandi all’ideologia Nazista, che molti pensavano fosse ormai estinta da tempo. Cogliamo quindi l’occasione di ripubblicare l’intero ciclo di indagine sui vari aspetti esoterici del Nazismo, a cura del ricercatore storico Marco Dolcetta.
Nazismo Esoterico
L’Estetica al Potere
Viviamo in una strana epoca, piena di continui rimandi all’ideologia Nazista, che molti pensavano fosse ormai estinta da tempo. Cogliamo quindi l’occasione di ripubblicare l’intero ciclo di indagine sui vari aspetti esoterici del Nazismo, a cura del ricercatore storico Marco Dolcetta.