USA and Russia, working fully together behind the curtains, have emptied a full arsenal of old and useless weapons, with a revenue of many trillion dollars, to replenish their arsenals with brand new and expensive weapons.
90% of these bloody trillion dollars have ended up in the greedy pockets of the real Masters of the World, who hiding in the shadows, rule USA and Russia along with the entire planet Earth.
– It seems that the peace negotiations have reached a good point!
– What makes you think that?
– Every time negotiations are about to conclude happily, our command, to demonstrate its desire for peace, orders a bombing of enemy cities!
– Prepare for a new attack? Why? Our general based his campaign for the post of chief of staff on the immediate cessation of all hostilities!
– Sure! And now he’s the chief of staff, right? So now he can do whatever he wants, right?
– What the hell of a general!
– What? Another bombing? Our general managed to remain chief of staff because he promised to end this war as soon as possible!
– Promises of a general!
– Enough! I can’t stand this dirty war anymore! I want to go home!
– Stop it! Don’t you know that our generals have been negotiating an honorable peace for a long time?
– They certainly use strange negotiating systems!
– Everyone keeps telling us that our general has started safe peace negotiations, and here new war material continues to arrive?
– Do you believe our war industry, closely linked to the general staff, would give up a lucrative and very fruitful continuous war?
– I have a doubt, that our general understood how to keep people happy?
– Our captain received a solemn commendation for having already lost 30 tanks complete with crews, in just three days of battle!
– Seems strange, general staff usually only commends acts of heroism!
– Who spoke about the general staff? He received it from the representative of the war armaments supply industry!
– Here’s the new model of the two-seater lux tank with enhanced tracks! Order an attack immediately to destroy all the old models!
– The war industry doesn’t know anymore what to invent to keep production high!
– It’s nice to think that if we don’t survive this attack, someone will gratefully remember us!
– Our homeland?
– The war industry, you idiot! If we don’t blow up, how can they sell another tank?
– We’ve been dropping tons of bombs on the enemy for years, destroying their homes and factories, and those idiots still don’t surrender!
– Just think what we officers will do once the war is over!
– Free those prisoners and send them back to their lines immediately!