Orders Obeyed
USA and Russia, working fully together behind the curtains, have emptied a full arsenal of old and useless weapons, with a trillion dollars bloody revenue, ended up in the greedy pockets of the real Masters of the World.
The Illusion of Choice
If voting could truly change the system it would be illegal, if this image could truly wake you up you would not be seeing it.
Ukraine Inc 12
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 11
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 10
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 9
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 8
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 7
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 6
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 5
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 4
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 3
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 2
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Ukraine Inc 1
The Regime doesn’t want you to see these videos. So we make sure you see them. Death to censorship.
Bombardieri su Beirut
Brucia Tiro e Sidone. Teatri vuoti inutili potrebbero riempirsi se ci proponessimo di recitare noi. E intanto noi continuiamo ad aspettare un’emozione sempre più indefinibile.
Sopra la Gente lo Stato Campa
Non permetto a un fesso di dire ciò che è meglio per me. Tolleranza, buone maniere, roba da salami senza spina dorsale. La mia vendetta è giustizia, la mia giustizia è vendetta. Sopra la gente lo stato campa, sotto lo stato la gente crepa.
Preghiera dell’Uomo Comune
Ti prego, fa che io non debba mai alzare la testa, non debba mai essere responsabile di me stesso, e non debba mai smettere di pensare unicamente alle mie piccole ignobili preoccupazioni personali di inutile schiavo viziato.
Injustice Always Triumphs
Gold is the first sign of power, blood is the second sign of power. Injustice always triumphs, Masters can do anything, kill, speak to history with war and peace. The world is very small seen from up there.