Terror Horror Domination
The eternal battle for the domination of the World goes on. In 2022, the Masters of the World sent 200 billions $ to Ukrainian terrorists.
Man’s Best Enemy
Man’s best enemy is already here, he already lives among us. Time for the head-on collision is coming. It’s either us, or them. Fuck off robot, иди на хуй.
Virusão Meraviglião
Non esiste limite a quanto si possa programmare la mente degli zombie teledipendenti. Nel 2020 i padroni televisivi ripetono l’operazione Cacão Meraviglião, questa volta su scala mondiale, con la creazione dal nulla di un virus, che non esiste, il Virusão Meraviglião.
Come se Niente Fosse
Ogni popolo ha una propria anima, un proprio spirito. Gli italiani hanno uno spirito piccolo bottegaio, che sopravvive sottomesso alla meno peggio, in attesa di farsi istruire dalla TV, su cosa sia giusto pensare, e su chi sia il potente di turno a cui inneggiare con spontaneo entusiasmo.
Next Stop:
We’re all riding togetger on the same train, and the next stop is nowhere. Everyday the brain does the same, a signal says it’s all okay, we know it’s not, it’s all that we got, we’re still alive, forgot how to live. Try, compliance got you this far.
The purpose of propaganda is not to inform, to persuade, or to convince people. But to humiliate them, to break their will, and to enslave them. Propaganda is the tool by which the Regime and the forces of evil torture, break, and ultimately kill the Human Soul.
A Hellish New World
A hellish new world is possible, and we are building it, right now, just standing by and watching. Are you ready for the hellish world that awaits us?
Codename Matryoshka
🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆 🪆
Questa non è un’Esercitazione
Ognuno ha il suo posto, dall’alto ti viene elargita l’elemosina, il tuo piccolo spazio per fare la tua Rivoluzione, sei lì dentro, e non esci. Siamo sempre di fronte allo stesso muro di gomma.
Nuovi Padroni
Spettacoli che ti vomitavano in faccia tutta la tua inutilità di schiavo. Non c’è più il Fascio, c’è il Consumismo. Il nuovo Padrone si è mimetizzato meglio, è più subdolo, è più atroce. I discorsi al balcone sono stati imbellettati e modernizzati con il linguaggio dei nuovi media, cambia la forma ma non la sostanza.
We didn’t Win
No, we didn’t win. Someone may have dodged the injection of Anti-COVID19 rat poison, but the mass committed suicide with their own hands, without any doubts, without any second thoughts, without any attempt at resistance.
Monsters of the Subconscious
The Regime released its monsters. The Regime lives on your fear. The terror of monsters enslaves you. Terror breaks your will. Terror strengthens the monsters and the Regime. Overcome the fear and the monsters will disappear.
Regime Psychopaths
A psychopath is a person who has a serious personality disorder that involves not caring about other people’s feelings and wanting to be violent or cruel towards others. Psychopaths work as police officers, attorneys, doctors, CEO, politicians and journalists.
Birth of the Regime
Traitors will not be tolerated. Dissident thinkers will not be tolerated. Seditious people will not be tolerated. No one will be allowed to hinder the war effort. The Regime was born. Would you like to know more?
So Far so Good
The problem is not the fall. The problem is the landing. What will you do when you hit a wall of reality and an inhuman Regime? What will you do when the slave chain has become too short?
Compilation of rat poison heart strokes live on TV. Come here darling! The announcer just died by a heart stroke! I already watched it yesterday on the other channel!