Siamo Troppi o Troppo Pochi?
Il problema delle reazioni avverse ai vaccini nelle donne sta suscitando serie preoccupazioni. Problemi mestruali, emorragie, aborti spontanei. Siamo in presenza di una deliberata disinfestazione del genere umano a mezzo di terapie geniche mutanti?
La Fine è Vicina
È un viaggio in sessanta date, per ricordare tutte le tappe che hanno segnato (e segneranno) la fine del mondo come lo conoscevamo. La strada verso l’inferno del regime transumano, quello a lungo sognato dai padroni del regime mondiale, è spianata.
Vaccines Weapons of Mass Destruction
If we don’t stop this vaccine program now then it is no exaggeration to say that the very future of mankind is at risk. Maybe their aim all along was to kill us all. Or maybe their evil plot has just got out of hand.
Su Questo Pianeta
Resistere non è inutile, alla fine vinceremo questa battaglia. L’umanità è troppo forte, non siamo un mucchio di mezze cartucce. Per questo ci batteremo, e alla fine saremo esseri umani.
Apriamo gli Occhi
Apriamo gli occhi, non è più tempo di petizioni, non è più tempo di proteste pacifiche, si sono comprati l’Italia e il Mondo, hanno abolito la democrazia.
I Non-Vaccinati?
Oggi, i New Normal ci offrono una scelta, (A) conformarsi alla loro ideologia New Normal o (B) la segregazione sociale. Cosa pensate che abbiano in programma per noi domani?
Colpirne Uno, Educarne Cento
Anche voi rimarreste a guardare un vostro simile venire brutalmente perseguitato e torturato, senza intervenire?
Sedati, Intubati e Uccisi
La testimonianza di un medico malato il quale è stato intubato ed è uscito vivo dall’ATI (Terapia Intensiva). Vi avvertiamo seguono dettagli che possono influenzarvi emotivamente.
Il Nuovo Regime dell’Inclusione
Siamo circondati, assediati ogni giorno di più, dalla nuova ideologia globalista della DEI, ovvero, Diversità, Equità e Inclusione, nel cui nome bisogna abbattere tutti i simboli di un nostro presunto passato di oppressione.
Planet Lockdown
How can you herd all the sheep into the slaughterhouse without them realizing and resisting? The perfect thing is invisible enemies. We had the war on terrorism, with invisible terrorists, and now a virus. It’s perfect because you can’t prove that it doesn’t exist.
Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) and the military psychological warfare weapon, Shadownet, which is used to control the public narrative through the Fake News, to fix elections, to organize the BLM riots.
Fall of the Cabal
Climate Crisis?
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
World Economic Forum
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Genocide Wrapped Up
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Torture Program
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Mandatory Vaccinations?
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?
Fall of the Cabal
Murder in Hospitals
This documentary contains thousands of hours of research. Don’t accept nothing as the truth, and do your own research, that’s the only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker. The world as we know it is about to end. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they really rule the world? And what do they have in stall for us?